Monday, August 29, 2011

Simple Summer Supper

This is more a formula than a recipe. What follows is my usual way of preparing it, along with a few variations. It's low fat, meatless, high fiber but most importantly, YUMMY!

Ingredients (for 4 people; our family doubles it).

1 cup brown rice (prepare according to package directions)

1 can (15 oz) black (turtle) beans, undrained (heat in saucepan)
1 package baby spinach
1 handful cilantro, chopped
1/4 cup ricotta cheese

Line meat platter or large shallow bowl with all the baby spinach.
Top with hot rice (spread it out over the spinach so it wilts)
Add cilantro to the black beans
Pour beans over rice
Place the ricotta cheese in dollops on the top
Garnish with cilantro

White rice instead of brown

Marinated veggies: marinate cauliflower, carrots, bell pepper in vinaigrette; the veg go on top of the beans!

Boost the Veg:
Cook carrots and/or celery in the beans until done

Don't like ricotta?
Substitute Fat free sour cream

Top with green onions, as desired.
A shout out to my friend Bruce who often served me something similar;  that was the origin of this!

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