Monday, June 19, 2023

Juneteenth and Menu Plan Monday

 More than two years after the Emancipation Proclamation was signed, federal troops arrived in Galveston, Texas on June 19th, 1865, to tell enslaved people they had been freed. If you've never heard of Juneteenth, you aren't from Texas! It's been celebrated here for a long, long time, but it's only been a federal holiday since Biden signed it into law in 2021.  

That said, I've planned a Juneteenth menu for the family. It's still well balanced and lower fat, except the macaroni salad, because we had to have a nod to Mac and Cheese, but has all the yummy flavors of celebration. Yesterday was Father's Day and hubby and the kids went to bed moaning after eating Chef Allison's delicious repast at Hamilton Pool Vineyards so moderation is called for!

For breakfast, it's Smoothie Week. When you click on the picture of the menu or link to the menu, you'll see a "notes" column on the right. The "formula" for the Freezer Smoothies is there. I make 2 or 3 varieties through the week and I make them all ahead of time in baggies on Monday and then just dump them in the blender each morning, along with "milk" (or nut-milk, oat-milk etc.) and 2 bananas. Voila! Smoothies for 2! The bananas are sweet enough so no sweetener is required. 

Lunches around here are up to the individual so I eat the same lunch every day. It makes my life easier! My lunch this is a big green salad with deviled egg, italian dressing and green apple slices. It's cool, crisp and delicious and ticks all the boxes!

Hope this week's menu gives you a head start on a great week of celebrating family and freedom. If you want to learn more about Juneteenth, today's Google Doodle is a fun place to start!

Here's a preview of the menu but to get to the recipe links, you'll have to click through to the actual menu link first, either by clicking here or clicking on the jpg below. Happy planning and eating. 

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