Current Weight: 207.6
Weight Last Week: 209.3
Weight loss since last week: 1.7 pound
These are Weight Watcher's numbers; my scale weighs me at almost 5 POUNDS less! This says to me that I need to get there every week at least to weigh in -- I have been letting family things get in my weigh -- er way -- lately.
On a scale of 1 to 5 with "5" being perfect, here's how I rate my week:
Eating 4
Exercise 4
Motivation 3
It "felt" like work this week. What I notice is that when the children are out of sync, I get hungry. Hmmm. So I am committing to more deep breathing and less stuffing the pie-hole. Even if what I am stuffing it with is "in the box" -- somehow my metabolism seems to know the difference!
My creative exercise opportunity for the week was my crazy day in which I had all my friends write my routine. It was tremendous fun and my muscles are STILL sore!
This week my goal is to get my exercise in early in the week.
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