Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Project Status

You can't finish something you never started.  

Isn't that the truth?  Wanting to find a new job won't do it.  Thinking about saving money won't save it.  Getting frustrated about the messy closet doesn't clean it.  Wishing I were thinner doesn't take the weight off.

Sometimes, it helps to be reminded.  If I am going to enjoy living at goal weight, I've got to get there first.  And that means every day, I have to move my weight loss up to "project status."  You know what I mean by that, right?  That means setting aside time to plan, to shop for fresh produce, to cook healthy meals, to exercise; it means remembering that my weight loss project has intrinsic value and is worth investing time in.

I have a new weight loss buddy, which has made it easier to move this project up my priority list.   I am setting mini-goals for myself, like tracking all my food every day.  I will not eat a candy bar if I have to write it down; I'm just not that gal!  I am helping my buddy, which makes me more thoughtful about my own plan, as well. 

Perhaps most importantly, I've gotten started.  I'm leaving behind the chaos of the last year and looking forward.  While I'm pleased that I've managed to maintain my previous loss for a year, now it is time to finish this project.  Stay tuned!

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