Weight Watchers posted "25 Little Tips for Big Weight Loss" - I found some helpful reminders there. One of my favorite blogs, Fooducate, posts great info about what's really in what we eat. I told my darling Chanelle that her long love affair with ketchup is over, it's on it's way back to condiment status at our house!
Here are my stats:
Current Weight: 239.0
Weight Last Week: 239.0
Weight loss since last week: 0

Total weight loss this year: 3.8 pounds
Oh, how I'd hoped I'd be down a couple of pounds this week. But it was not to be. So I am back to the drawing board: Obviously, I corrected the food log calculation error I discovered on Wednesday. I've gently increased my steps and exercise. I stayed within my calorie budget and recorded everything. However, I ate fewer, larger meals,while in the early weeks, I ate several small meals. I'll try that again this week.
I've looked over my food logs to see what might be causing a metabolic issue. I see that for the past two weeks, I've eaten more "junk" food and not eaten all of what I really want to eat every day; hence, lower fiber (and vitamins). So first things first, I recommit to eating that which truly serves me! Secondly, I've noticed that I am getting some of my dairy every day in the form of low-fat cheese; I think I will shave that back to a couple of times a week. I can also focus more on the leaner proteins, chicken and fish. Finally, I ate some sugary foods this week and have had foods higher on the glycemic index as well: juices, dried fruits, corn, and white potatoes. Those things are not on preferred list so I will skip them this week as well. It's trial and error at this point, so I'll see what happens at my next weigh in!
I have assigned myself this homework this week: I am going to look at this rather mind-boggling chart on obesity system influences and it's related summary report and see which of these are influences in my world; then I am going to action the ones I can change in my weight loss RIVAS. Have a great week!
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